Create bliss as you walk

Create bliss as you walk

Wouldn’t it be great if you could create bliss while you walk? During our last advanced retreat, we did just that. Read on to find out how or, if you’d prefer, watch the video below of my livestream I did this week on our Facebook page, on creating bliss...
A few words from one of our Meditation Leaders

A few words from one of our Meditation Leaders

This week one of our wonderful SkillfulMIND Leaders has taken the time to write a short piece for us on how she has been coping with COVID19 and the isolation it has brought. Joanna Mason is from the North East of theĀ United Kingdom and has been continuing to run...


  Body Sway Meditation Coming to your senses – Hearing Coming to your senses – Feeling Coming to your senses – Sight   To get the true benefits of meditation, itā€™s not enough to just treat it as a 10 or 15 minute escape from the world every...
Demons and Dragons

Demons and Dragons

  The following story is one of my favorite parables. Itā€™s about a famous Tibetan meditator who lived many hundreds of years ago. He was called Milarepa. Milarepa spent three months every year meditating in a cave in the Himalayan mountains. He was sent up there...


  Are you feeling a sense of discontentment? Many people spend far too much time living without a sense of direction, without knowing where they want their lives to go. It has taken me some time to get myself, and SkillfulMIND to where we are today, but through...
A meditation on Universal Love

A meditation on Universal Love

    Before we begin the meditation, we must consider and resolve two things. The first is, what is the definition of love? Every person has a different answer to this, but for the purposes of this meditation, we will consider love to be the state where we...


  The following meditation known as Spinning the Spine is from John Gabrielā€™s book, The Gabriel Method. It is a very effective technique to pacify the nervous system and combat stress instantaneously. All you need for this meditation is one minute of your time....
What’s Missing from Meditation Apps?

What’s Missing from Meditation Apps?

  Do you currently use or have used in the past, a meditation app? If yes, think back honestly and count the number of times you have actually used the app in the past month. Have you been regular with your use of the app? The reality is that while a lot of...


  Do you get anxious about the future or stressed out when things donā€™t go the way you expected? We all do. Read on to learn a simple and effective trick to help you get out of your head and release stress or anxiety. This technique comes from the Hawaiian...
We canā€™t relate to what we donā€™t know

We canā€™t relate to what we donā€™t know

  Last night I had an extraordinary dream where I was with an animal in the snow, and there was a place with summertime not very far away. I tried to persuade this animal to get out of the snow and go to the place where it was warmer, but I just couldn’t...