Run your Own Retreat
If you have been teaching meditation classes, you know the personal joy that comes from helping people to become happy and calm. You will also know that the profit margins are not that great running a class and we don’t do this work with the sole purpose of making money but to be able to help others. However, if you are keen to move more into the Health and Wellness Industry then we are here to assist you with activities that will support both you and your community.
At Skillful MIND
Running retreats are one way you can do this and they have composed about a third to a half of the total income of my business for about 5 years.
At Skillful MIND we have run over 50 meditation retreats at beginner, intermediate and advanced levels. So we have the system down pat and we would love to support you in running your own retreat.
This can be done in 2 ways:
- By supporting you to run and teach your own retreat
- By running the entire retreat for you (Please talk to us separately about this – the information below refers to the first option)
The structure I suggest will give you a return of between $1000 and $3000 per Retreat. Your aim will be to get between 4 and 15 people. (with just 6 needed to cover your costs and if you have 15 participants, you will gain a good outcome).
This is the agenda that we run (and recommend)
A 2 and a half day retreat starting on Friday evening around 6pm and going through to Sunday around 3.30pm.
Course costs between $497 and $697 per person (in $AUD – so please adjust to your own currency)
A venue with costs of less than $200 per person including catering.
Your aim for the retreat should be to have 12 participants..
You can augment this by selling products and/or other treatments like massage, coaching, reiki etc.
If you do this, you will be covered even if you only attract 4 people to the retreat. If you attract 12 people you will make around $3000.
We will Support You Each Step of the Way
Teaching Material
Complete teaching plans for the whole retreat including teaching notes for every lesson
Marketing Support
- The use of our booking system to book customers
- A professional sales page written for you for your retreat
- An email sequence that keeps your customers informed
- Marketing support telling you how and where to market for best results
Mentoring and Support
We mentor you on every aspect from marketing through to delivery and follow up of your retreat
$1000 for Skillful Mind support plus we recommend $500 for an advertising budget.
Based on 12 people ($8400 revenue) you will receive $4,300 profit)