Our Blog

Create bliss as you walk

Create bliss as you walk

Wouldn’t it be great if you could create bliss while you walk? During our last advanced retreat, we did just that. Read on to find out how or, if you’d prefer, watch the video below of my livestream I did this week on our Facebook page, on creating bliss as you walk….

A few words from one of our Meditation Leaders

A few words from one of our Meditation Leaders

This week one of our wonderful SkillfulMIND Leaders has taken the time to write a short piece for us on how she has been coping with COVID19 and the isolation it has brought. Joanna Mason is from the North East of the United Kingdom and has been continuing to run…



This simple process is a great way to relieve stress in the moment. I teach it to Year 11 and 12 students and they love to use it around exam time – but you can learn it too.

We can’t relate to what we don’t know

We can’t relate to what we don’t know

  Last night I had an extraordinary dream where I was with an animal in the snow, and there was a place with summertime not very far away. I tried to persuade this animal to get out of the snow and go to the place where it was warmer, but I just couldn’t convince…