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Duty without Expectations, Ego and Attachments!

Peak state of mind

Peak state of mind

  We are all looking for success in one area of life or another. Whether it is in the field of business, social, family, sports, or even spiritual. And today, finding out how to improve is easier than ever. There is so much knowledge available on the internet and…

Why do we meditate?

This question is more than idle curiosity. Understanding how meditation works can greatly assist you in becoming a better meditator. Once you know how this practice can change the state of your being, you can clarify your intention which cn lead to a more powerful…

How to live a Motivated and Meaningful life without Purpose

Are your needs met in your relationship

Are You a Perfect Partner.. To be continued next part 3

Two Wolves at War

Two Wolves at War

Today I want to share with you a simple but powerful story from the Cherokees of North America.   A chief sits with a young Indian, and a thoughtful conversation follows. The chief speaks of two wolves within each of us, two wolves always at war. The first wolf…


Who is Your Perfect Partner??