Our Blog
Stigmas Surrounding Mental Health – by one of our Meditation Leaders
by peter | May 13, 2020 | Blog
Occasionally here at Skillful MIND we will be sharing articles contributed by some of our wonderful SkillfulMIND Meditation Leaders. Many of our leaders have their own businesses and and work in fascinating sectors. All of them have such interesting stories, and…
Protect yourself with meditation
Recently I was asked a question by one of our leaders that really got me thinking, so I decided to address it in this weeks blog. The question was: Before we begin our meditation session, is there something we can do to protect ourselves? I began thinking about…
Dealing with Depression, Anxiety and Stress
by peter | Apr 30, 2020 | Blog
As a life coach I have worked with many people who’s biggest struggles are overcoming stress, anxiety and depression so this week I have decided to put together a series of videos to help the SkillfulMIND community to not only get more information about them, but also…
How to deal with anxiety
by peter | Apr 29, 2020 | Blog
Is anxiety something which is a part of your life? It is completely natural to get anxious sometimes, most of us do. In this blog, Peter discusses a simple technique which can be extremely powerful in helping us reduce and remove anxiety from our lives, particularly…
What is Karma?
by peter | Apr 28, 2020 | Blog
A lot of people struggle to grapple with the idea of karma, or have unclear ideas of what it is all about. Whatever your beliefs may be, in this week’s blog, I want to talk about the way I personally perceive Karma. This might help you have a better,…
by peter | Apr 21, 2020 | Blog
As you may know by now, along with being a meditation teacher, I am also a trainer in an area of personal development called Neuro-linguistic Programming (or NLP for short). For those of you who haven’t heard of this, it is a very powerful set of…
Boost Your Immune System
by peter | Mar 24, 2020 | Blog
We are all talking about the new reality of COVID-19. So in this blog, I want to discuss two things; how we can boost our immune system with meditation and what we can do to help positively at the moment. Immune system booster Below is a recording I have made…
Social isolation of COVID19 as an opportunity
by peter | Mar 19, 2020 | Blog
The world has gone into lockdown mode with the spread of coronavirus. This means, for many of us, the inability to go out and carry on as usual. Whether this inability to leave our homes is a burden or not – depends a little on if we can find the silver lining in it….
by peter | Mar 11, 2020 | Blog
For this week’s blog, I want to talk about the grey zone. What is the grey zone, you ask? Well, to begin with – I want you to imagine the parts of your life where everything is going perfectly as the white zone. And then, when your life totally sucks – imagine…
by peter | Feb 20, 2020 | Blog, Meditation
Today’s subject is Mindful Listening, and I particularly want to discuss what happens during an argument. During arguments, we tend to fire back to the other person – sometimes more than we should. Often, the best way to counteract this is to hold your tongue…